[reportlab-users] ReportLab 2.7 accelerators

Lele Gaifax lele at metapensiero.it
Thu Apr 4 17:17:08 EDT 2013

Andy Robinson <andy at reportlab.com> writes:

> Lele, what platform are you on?

Debian Wheezy

> We have been testing this every way we could think of on Ubuntu, Mac OS and

> Windows for quite a few days. If I un-tar-gz that file, there is

> definitely a src/rl_addons/rl_accel subdirectory containing the code, and

> the top level 'setup.py install' worked for all of us on the above

> platforms. I can only presume that in your environment the setup script is

> somehow not finding that subdirectory.

I'd find that rather strange, but we must be talking about a different file::

$ wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/r/reportlab/reportlab-2.7.tar.gz#md5=07f39af5aa569a16ce9a979b9a9e63a9
$ tar tvzf reportlab-2.7.tar.gz |grep accel
$ tar xOzf reportlab-2.7.tar.gz reportlab-2.7/setup.py | grep accel
def _find_rl_ccode(dn='rl_accel',cn='_rl_accel.c'):
'''locate where the accelerator code lives'''
RL_ACCEL = _find_rl_ccode('rl_accel','_rl_accel.c')
infoline( '*No rl_accel code found, you can obtain it at *')
infoline( '*http://www.reportlab.org/downloads.html#_rl_accel*')
infoline( '#Attempting install of _rl_accel, sgmlop & pyHnj')
Extension( '_rl_accel',
infoline( '!No rl_accel code found, you can obtain it at !')

So, effectively the setup.py tries to find the C version, but it cannot
find it and thus emits the message about obtaining it from the net.

> The reduction in file size is possibly because we have been deliberately

> removing obsolete documentation and examples.

I bet that there's something that should be put back :-) At least on the
archive uploaded on PyPI. Later I'll try to download it from rl.org

Thank you,
ciao, lele.
nickname: Lele Gaifax | Quando vivrò di quello che ho pensato ieri
real: Emanuele Gaifas | comincerò ad aver paura di chi mi copia.
lele at metapensiero.it | -- Fortunato Depero, 1929.

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