[reportlab-users] Pypi package incorrect

Andy Robinson andy at reportlab.com
Fri Mar 5 10:05:12 EST 2010

On 5 March 2010 14:52, Mike Driscoll <mdriscoll at co.marshall.ia.us> wrote:

> Some people seem to think that "distribute" is the new thing:

>  http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute

Yes, and I have NO intention of putting in ever-growing amounts of
staff time trying to cater to all of them ;-)

I'be just been talking to my colleagues on what we did last time. To
date we have prepared packages with 'svn export', tar, and a script
which applies some python-version-specific packages. For the PyPi
distro we manually created the extra file it needs and ensured it was
in place in the tar file; it then all appeared to work fine for

If it makes things better for other tools, we are happy to switch over
to (a) using 'setup.py sdist' and (b) changing the naming convention
of the archive and the top-level directory inside it.

- Andy

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