[reportlab-users] Small errors in reportlab code

Robin Becker robin at reportlab.com
Wed Jan 17 11:13:15 EST 2007

Dirk Holtwick wrote:

> Hi,


> I opened some reportlab files by using Eclipse (http://www.eclipse.org)

> and the pyDev plugin (http://pydev.sourceforge.net) and found some

> small errors everywhere in the code.


> Hope this hint helps the developers of reportlab finding some small

> errors easier?

What are small errors? I suppose you're saying that eclipse's python mode is
detecting what it thinks are errors. Surely no syntax error should be allowed,
but if there are any obvious logic errors please let us know.

The chances of my aged hands learning any editor other than vim/vi are in a
neigborhood of zero.


> BTW, wouldn't it be better to ignore useless Unicode and UTF-8 decoding

> errors by using e.g.


> s.decode('utf8','ignore')


> instead of


> s.decode('utf8')


When we started on the path to making the code less latin1 only I believe the
decision was made to let no errors pass silently. The toolkit is fairly low
level; it is supposed to allow textual strings to be unicode/str. If str then we
assume it's utf8. Higher level processors can then convert to utf8/unicode as
they please.
Robin Becker

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