[meteorite-list] [Last CALL-5th International Workshop on Electron Probe Micro-analysis]

Ioannis Baziotis ibaziotis at gmail.com
Thu Feb 29 00:12:15 EST 2024

Apologize for multiple postings

TWO talks during the workshop will be about the Meteoritics Topic!

*Last Day of the month! Last Call for attending our workshop!*

A virtual workshop entitled: "Recent Developments and Applications in earth
sciences of electron probe micro-analysis"" will be offered in the period
25-28 March 2024. The workshop is on the use of the electron probe
microanalyzer (EPMA) with particular emphasis on modern developments and
geological applications.

Unfortunately we are in the era of late registration. HOWEVER, here are the
benefits (among others) you`ll get by attending our workshop:

1. Up-to-date Knowledge from experts on EPMA.

2. Live demonstrations from JEOL instrument, and

3. New solution for analysis of geological samples using Unity BEX imaging
detector and AZtec Wave WDS.

4. Access to the recorded material, presentations and transcripts for up to
two weeks following the conclusion of the workshop.

5. Access to a platform where attendees can submit their questions or
comments, and the respective speaker will provide a response after (within
a month) the completion of the workshop. This feature is particularly
useful for participants who are unable to attend the workshop live but plan
to view the recorded materials at a later time.

6. Certificate of Attendance.

Our lecturers for this year`s workshop:  James Day (*University of
California San Diego*), John Donovan (*University of Oregon*), Stamatios
Flemetakis (*Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, **ETH*),  Ariadni
Georgatou (*National and Kapodistrian University of Athens*), Anette von
der Handt (*University of British Columbia*), Chris Hayward (*University of
Edinburgh*), Ery Hughes (*Te Pū Ao | GNS Science*), Serguei Matveev (*JEOL
Germany*), Amanda Ostwald (*Smithsonian Institution National Museum of
Natural History*), and Lucia Spasevski (*X-Ray Product Manager at Oxford
Instruments NanoAnalysis*).

For more details follow the link:

Register here: https://forms.gle/ZaSHtSsR4ZNxbrvm9

On behalf of the EPMA workshop committee,

Best Regards

Baziotis Ioannis
Ioannis Baziotis ibaziotis at aua.gr
Associate Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology
Laboratory of Mineralogy and Geology
Agricultural University of Athens
75 Iera Odos St., Athens, 11855 Greece
Personal site: http://ibaziotis.wix.com/ioannis-baziotis
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