[meteorite-list] 4th International Workshop on Electron Probe Micro-analysis

Ioannis Baziotis ibaziotis at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 05:08:38 EDT 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We are BACK! It`s getting a tradition for us!

We are pleased to announce the 4th "*V*irtual *W*orkshop on *E*PMA *D*
evelopments and *A*pplications". Please do not hesitate to visit our new
website (https://sites.google.com/view/epmaathens2023).
The upcoming virtual workshop (27-30 March 2023) it is upgraded compared to
the previous ones. Based on the feedback provided by the participants last
year, *NEW* topics and speakers have been added.
We will cover topics ranging from conventional major element quantitative
analysis to new developments in X-ray mapping, k-ratios, trace element
analysis, measuring oxidation state and water content of hydrous glasses,
tracing mantle processes, halogen measurements, magmatic sulfide
implications, and characterizing meteorites. Furthermore, two live
demonstrations using JEOL and CAMECA instruments of how someone is
measuring on EPMA will be given during the virtual workshop.

For more details follow the link:

Register here: https://forms.gle/hzWD5BDdJnWc7xzC6

*Key dates*

*Registration open*: 15th October 2022

*Early Registration deadline*: *31st December 2022*

On behalf of the EPMA workshop committee,

Best Regards.

Baziotis Ioannis

Ioannis Baziotis ibaziotis at aua.gr
Assistant Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology
Laboratory of Mineralogy and Geology
Agricultural University of Athens
75 Iera Odos St., Athens, 11855 Greece
(+30)-210-529-4155; (+30)-6975967914
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