[meteorite-list] 5th Reminder: 4th International Workshop on Electron Probe Micro-analysis

Ioannis Baziotis ibaziotis at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 03:26:56 EST 2022

*Apologize for multiple postings*

Hello everyone,

Here is a short announcement of a 4-days Workshop entitled: "Recent
Developments and Applications in earth sciences of electron probe
micro-analysis" that will be offered VIRTUALLY in the period 27-30 March
2023. The workshop is on the use of the electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA)
with particular emphasis on modern developments and geological
Within the next weeks, will present you (SHORTLY) our speakers (given in
alphabetical order of the last name).
Therefore, it is not on purpose, however, will start from myself!
*Ioannis Baziotis **is assistant professor in mineralogy and petrology at
the Agricultural University of Athens. He studies igneous and metamorphic
rocks, along with meteorites (chondrites, and achondrites). He focuses on
high pressure phases by applying instrumental techniques, and thermodynamic
relations. He is author and co-author of more than 50 peer-reviewed
scientific papers in highly ranked International Journals. *

*The rest of our Speakers to be presented are: *James Day (University of
San Diego, SCRIPPS), John Donovan (University of Oregon), Stamatios
Flemetakis (University of Muenster),  Ariadni Georgatou (GNS Science),
Anette von der Handt (University of British Columbia), Ery Hughes (Te Pū Ao
| GNS Science), Rosie Jones (WDS Product Manager at Oxford Instruments
NanoAnalysis), Pierre Lanari (University of Bern), Stuart Kearns
(University of Bristol), and Lee M. Saper (University of Edinburgh).

Based on our experience, we are pretty sure that this workshop will provide
VALUABLE new knowledge for the undergraduate students, postgraduates,  PhD,
postdocs, senior scientists, and lab managers. Every participant will have
the chance to learn the basic theory of electron probe microanalysis, the
statistics behind microanalysis, but also more advanced theory on k-ratios
and standards. Also, will taught about X-ray maps and their usage in
metamorphics, trace element analysis for investigating various processes
(e.g., mantle processes and sulfide crystallization). Furthermore, the
usage of WDS analysis using SEM instrument. Finally, two LIVE
demonstrations using JEOL and CAMECA instruments of how someone is
measuring on EPMA will be given as well.
ALL the previous will be given for a nominal fee of *30 euros *that will
cover the basic expenses for the hosting platform etc. All the participants
will have access on the recorded material up to 2 weeks after the end of
the workshop.

For more details follow the link:

Register here: https://forms.gle/hzWD5BDdJnWc7xzC6
*Early Registration deadline*: *31st December 2022*

On behalf of the EPMA workshop committee,

Best Regards.

Baziotis Ioannis
Ioannis Baziotis ibaziotis at aua.gr
Assistant Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology
Laboratory of Mineralogy and Geology
Agricultural University of Athens
75 Iera Odos St., Athens, 11855 Greece
(+30)-210-529-4155; (+30)-6975967914
Personal site: http://ibaziotis.wix.com/ioannis-baziotis
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