[meteorite-list] 26 million year periodicity

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 12 21:25:14 EST 2020

Hi Pete - 

It looks to me like you missed Sterling Webb's note to the list on the 26 million year stochastic periodicity of extinction events.If Stirling does not repost it, I could, as I turned it into a pamphlet which I gave out at the GSA a decade ago.
I am really beat and feeling like S***. Thankfully a normal flu and not the plague....
By the way,there were some nice $10  small pieces out there, but I could not get paypal to workarghh,E.P.

Mass extinction researchers have been debating back and forth about the evidence for periodicity, for decades.  My take is, people who think they ought to be able to find a periodicity, do find it in their analysis of the data.  Researchers who are skeptical of such a periodicity, find not much of a correlation in their analysis of the data.  I doubt that this one paper will settle the matter!
(Thanks for sharing the story!)

Pete Modreski

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