[meteorite-list] 2,68 g. fragment unique bencubbinite Sierra Gorda 013 on Ebay auction

Timur Astronom bredfild at mail.ru
Tue Dec 17 17:50:07 EST 2019

The latest individual sample of the unique bencubbinite Sierra Gorda 013 - put up for auction Ebey, and will be sold soon:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/163981351170?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649   From now on, only slices or the last cuts of this meteorite will be put up for auction. Unique vanadium sulfides, an irregular set of silicate chondrules, a unique microelement composition - all this makes this meteorite - unlike all other bencubbinites.
Sincerely, Timur Kryachko  TeamTeam group
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