[meteorite-list] U.S to Withdraw From UNESCO

Adam Hupe raremeteorites at centurylink.net
Thu Oct 12 16:22:29 EDT 2017

Here is the infamous Douglass Schmitt paper that tied UNESCO to 
meteorites in PDF format:


By the way, some people do not think that I see what is posted in 
Facebook.  Even though I do not subscribe to Facebook, I record anything 
that pertains to me for future reference.  Remember what you say is 
permanently recorded and can be used against you in a court of law.

It seems some dealers do not like what I have to say about piggy backers 
and tailgaters. I even had an Original Dealer (OD) violate a 
long-standing agreement we had by mentioning my name. Note only this, 
there are a few newbie dealers who feel the need to badmouth me and have 
reduced themselves to name calling. It is interesting that dealers that 
have something to hide are usually the cowards to post in other forums 
not realizing that it upsets the majority of collectors and honest 
dealers who follow the rules and demand provenance.


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