[meteorite-list] R: help me in understand analysis

Adam Hupe raremeteorites at centurylink.net
Mon Oct 9 17:36:57 EDT 2017

I have been getting several requests to name the dealers engaged in less 
than honest business practices.  I have publicly called out those who 
violated the sanctity of meteorites I was involved with in the past by 
self-pairing and piggy-backing material I placed on the market. At one 
point, it was almost a full-time job.  I am not interested in creating a 
"Dealer hall Of Shame" list however you can put one together yourself 
with a little bit of work. You would be surprised at the number of 
dealers who are engaged in deceptive trade practices.

I found 108 violations out of the 265 lunar meteorites currently listed 
on eBay by simply cross referencing the Meteoritical Bulletin.  There 
are a lot more than 108 if unclassified material with no numbers is 
taken into account.

For NWA material, the Meteortical Bulletin will assist in providing you 
with a list of dealers to avoid.  Carefully write down the NWA numbers 
in question and enter them into the Meteoritical Bulletin search text field.

Link to the meteoritical Bulletin search page:


Things to look out for in the bulletin.

If there is more material by weight available on the market than what is 
listed in the bulletin, then there is fraud taking place.

If the number of complete stones listed in the Bulletin under a 
particular NWA number is exceeded, then you are looking at another case 
of self-pairing which is also fraud.

If you are not provided with a complete chain of custody back to the 
persons name in the bulletin who submitted the meteorite for study, then 
it is not worth pursuing.

If you type in the NWA number or name and no data shows up, it means the 
stone is not official and has not been approved.

It is interesting to see who made the list of dealers to avoid!

Happy hunting,


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