[meteorite-list] Pallasite Crystals

tracy latimer daistiho at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 11 19:50:52 EST 2017

Think of it -- if you could pay an approved GIA rep to test your meteorite and do a classification that would be scientifically accepted, think of the floodgates that would be opened for all the old meteorites that looked interesting, but no one had time to certify.  You might even find the first North American lunar!

Tracy Latimer

From: Meteorite-list <meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com> on behalf of MexicoDoug via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2017 10:54 PM
To: prolinesealandstripe at gmail.com; meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Pallasite Crystals
Sean, As mentioned earlier (I think by Carl Agee?) there are destructive and non-destructive (expensive) ways to do this and most are costly, unless as he suggested one of Blaine's X-ray geological sample filed analyzers works.  It's  similar to proving your rare approved meteorite locality is actually the locality claimed. 

In my opinion the GIA is not currently competent to authenticate any kind of meteorites.  When they start to deal in isotopes, they can start classifying all kinds of meteorites for us.

It is practical to buy from a reputable meteorite person and consider their reputation your insurance - someone active with pallasites has no motive to make you buy a pig in a poke!  If you do faceting, make yourself an alliance with a meteorite person and  go from there.  Then you have provenance from an approved meteorite.

I have one exquisitely gemmy pear faceted olivine from a Seymchan pallasite I'll sell as soon as I can figure out how to get my website online again.  It was made by the team that finds Seymchan.  Similar is the case for Admire which folks we all know have  worked on and it appears Nakhla Dog is selling with provenance and I believe KD Meteorites, as well as Steve Arnold and Don Stimpson, and dealers they supply.  Pardon if I've omitted others I don't know about.  Also, though I haven't seen any recently, I believe  Esquel and Krasnojarsk peridots were available at some time in the past.

JMO, hope that helps, & good luck Sean

-----Original Message-----
From: SR Brooks via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
To: meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Wed, Jan 11, 2017 1:51 am
Subject: [meteorite-list] Pallasite Crystals

Hello list,   On the subject of fake pallasite crystals being tested.
If anyone has some authentic olivine peridot from a pallasite that
could be donated to the GIA the Gemological Institute of America's lab
to have tested they could find the difference between the terrestrial
and the meteoric type. They have a lab that studies and tests every
type of gemstone that exists including man-made simulants and fakes
and if they haven't already I'm sure they would love to study them and
come up with a test at no cost other than the donation.
              I'm a gem cutter as well as a meteorite collector and
enthusiast and have tried to find some unshattered pieces to cut for
myself. Usually, the person trying to sell me the meteorite material
has terrestrial gem material trying to be passed off as the pallasite
olivine for a high price. Luckily because of my gemology and meteorite
knowledge, I can tell the difference although a sure fire test for
everyone would be great.  If anyone has any they would like to donate
and have tested ( I'm sure they'd love to work on it )  contact the
GIA in Carlsbad, CA and maybe they can come up with a test to make it
easier to separate the two.
               Also if anyone has any unshattered crystals and would
like to have some material cut I can facet the material and even work
out a trade type situation to keep it affordable if it helps. Anyway
just a thought. I may look into it myself.

 Keep on Rockin Rock Heads,  Sean Brooks #7781

 FinestKindStones at gmail.com
 ShockwaveRoxx at gmail.com


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