[meteorite-list] AD - so many auctions on ebay !

Pelé Pierre-Marie pierremariepele at yahoo.fr
Sun Oct 30 10:31:53 EDT 2016


I'm happy to announce my sales on ebay, mostly Buy it now so you're sure to win ;-)

- lunar meteorites : NWA 8687, 

- martian meteorites : NWA 10450, NWA 7397, NWA 6963, NWA 10153 (Nakhlite !)

- rare historical falls : Draveil (France), Chitenay (France), Almahata Sitta (Sudan), Kabo

and other cool stuff : Camel Donga, NWA 6685 (lodranite), NWA 8342 (one of the few CO3.1), NWA 8267 (rare CM2), Beni M'hira, Esquel

>>   http://www.ebay.com/sch/moky99/m.html

Thanks !
Pierre-Marie Pelé
Météorites : achat - vente - expertise - expéditions - recherche
Membre de la Meteoritical Society
Membre de l'International Meteorite Association Collectors

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