[meteorite-list] A Chardonnay Meteorite Wine (Arbois, Jura mountains, France)

Fabien Kuntz wwmeteorites at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 5 09:44:01 EDT 2016

Hello everyone, 

I am (very) happy and (a little bit) proud to present my new project, I worked on for several month now. 

A Chardonnay Meteorite Wine, from the french city of Arbois, in Jura mountains (city famous for wine of 
course, but also because Louis Pasteur conducted a lot of experiment in his house there). 

Not as simple as it sounds, but could not be happier with the result ! Tested, tasted (re-tasted few times with friends, just in case ;-) 
and approved... 

Made in the oldest wine cellar of the city (La Cave de la Reine Jeanne), and of the entire area (built 1322 for duchess Jeanne II of Burgundy).

The french website and a link to the funding plateform (Ulule), most easier to centralize ! 

French website : 


Plateform, in english, explaining the project... and to order if you want : 


Regards, Fabien Kuntz

Fabien Kuntz
Météorites (ventes, expertise, conférences)
Animation scientifique et technique 

WWMETEORITES (Siret : 511 850 612 00017) 


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