[meteorite-list] Butsura

MexicoDoug mexicodoug at aol.com
Thu May 12 22:46:05 EDT 2016

Happy Birthday!
On this day in history:
Fall, May 12, 1861
Butsura H6

Professor Maskelyne's meteoritic poetry (1863):


The branch of science that treats meteorites has acquired sufficient importance to justify our giving it a special name, and I therefore propose for its denomination with which this article is headed.  Many reasons conspire to render this study of "Aerolitics" one of increasing interest, and to make it highly desirable that collections of meteorites should exist to illustrate it, as complete as possible, not only in the numbers of the different falls they represent, but also as regards the modes in which the specimens are prepared for exhibition.  These remarkable bodies will always command a general interest, from the fact that in them we see matter foreign in its origin and history to our own world, and handle, in them, the only tangible substances that belong to the space beyond our atmosphere. ...

Best wishes,
PS  I'd like a Butsura specimen, please so don't be shy if you have one.  This Indian meteorite was reported to have had 5 pieces fall at distances of up to several miles apart, yet all fit together with essentially minimal to no crust  on the interlocking surfaces.

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