[meteorite-list] AD: Culling my collection

David Hardy nwa5370 at aol.com
Sat Jan 30 21:29:13 EST 2016

I've decided to go through my collection, and see what just does not fit anymore with where I want my collection to go.

Aldama (B)			H5		5.9 gr		$18
Barilla				H5		14.8 gr		$125
Bluff (B)				L4		10.9 gr		$75
Burnwell				H4-AN	0.002 gr		$75
Dalgety Downs			L4		20.7 gr		$100
Davy (A)				L4		5.3 gr		$25
Davy (B)				H4		5.7 gr		$30
Dawn (A)				H6		6.0 gr		$30
Dhofar 020			H4/5		122.6 gr		$180
Ghubara				L5		41.6 gr		$60
Goalpapa				AURE	0.14 gr		$75
Gobabeb				H4		41.6 gr		$120
Governador Valadares	ANAK	0.052 gr		$2500
Lafayette				ANAK	0.01 gr		$750
Long Island			L6		5.5 gr		$50
NWA1952				L6		10.5 gr		$10
NWA4207				L3-6		34.1 gr		$50
NWA5062				LL4		33.4 gr		$50
NWA5693				PAL		1.88 gr		$15
Potter				L6		9.9 gr		$200
Sahara 02500			L3		22.4 gr		$35
Sahara 98560			UNK		76.7 gr		$40
Sahara 99321			UNK		36.2 gr		$25
Springwater			PAL		17.5 gr		$450
Tagounite 018			L4		20.4 gr		$25
Tagounite 077			H3.7		3.46 gr		$20
Wagon Mound			L6		21.9 gr		$40

Pictures on request.

David Hardy

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