[meteorite-list] President Obama Places Over 265 Million Acres Of Land Off-limits

Michael Mulgrew mikestang at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 00:37:33 EST 2016

Yup, I have written to the Feinstein camp many times over the years
in opposition of Sand to Snow, Mojave Trail, and Castle Mountains as
National Monuments.  The real issues had nothing to do with
"preservation", but that's how it was spun to the general public.  Of
course, who's going to argue with that?

If George Carlin taught me anything it was to never trust anything
your government tells you, ever.  All you will find about these new
monuments is positive press, the truths spoken at every single public
hearing have been buried and forgotten.  If you have "blm" in your
search, such as a Google search for "ca new blm land news" you won't
find a single link related to this. It's a bunch of horseshit.

This is my backyard, well it was anyway.  The 4x4 groups that get
slandered in the press did more in the name of conservation and
preservation than the BLM ever did and ever will.

-Michael in so. Cal.

On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 8:25 PM, Dennis Miller via Meteorite-list
<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
> This recent land grab is courtesy of California Senator Dianne Feinstein.  82 year old
> Senator who hates energy, peoples freedoms, and too few regulations on everything!
> Sent from my iPad

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