[meteorite-list] Sad News :-(

KD Meteorites kdmeteorites at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 12:31:00 EST 2016

I'm sad to tell everyone that we lost one of the best men I ever met; Larry Sloan. He was a very well respected and loved man, always ready with a smile and some of his natural remedies! He loved everything meteorite and will be missed greatly at the shows.

After I lost my dad in 2006 Larry stepped up and became my second Dad; and he was always there with a smile and some advice.

The shows will be a little sadder without his smiling face but I'm sure he will do his best to send down some Meteorites from heaven just to keep us on our toes! :-)

Please send your thoughts and prayers to his family during this difficult time.

Thank you

Meteorite Lady Rocks!

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