[meteorite-list] Hunting Arizona's Newest Strewn Field

Jim Wooddell jimwooddell at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 07:52:43 EST 2016

It is the Horizon pictures that nail the coffin shut.

I see 6 peaks and three mountain ranges I know very well (I named them
for a project in the past), and a housing area!

Even though I know exactly where you guys are, I could easily find
exactly where you are using the pictures.  I have found other "secret"
strewn fields using pictures posted and.  The information gathering
takes place over time until one gets enough to move.  Common
investigative techniques!
Meteorite Hunting Rule #17.  Never share pictures with the Horizon in
the background.

Hope you guys found more.  Looked like a great day.  Sample I am working
on is metal rich....abundant troilite which overwhelms the kamacite
present!  Maybe 2 to 1!  Looks like an H to me, low weathering, not
uncommon for that area. My disclaimer is I could be totally wrong!! 


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