[meteorite-list] The Holocene Start Impact Event

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 10 11:21:34 EDT 2015

Hi Paul, all - 
(and Hi Sterling)

Hi Paul- thanks for your note.

Now, let me draw you a picture:


In the future, for this impact event, please refer to the Holocene Start Impact Event,
and refer to the Grondine Minima, 
the one that does not exist in the last glacial cycle.

As to the breaching of the ice dams on the western glacial lakes at what is now called the YD, 
and the outflows thererof, and exactly where those out flows went, 
that will be along shortly.

I have to attend a judging of West Virginia domestic arts, 
and meet with some @$$#0!3$.

good hunting all, 
(and a few bars of Oh Canada to the hunters up north)

E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

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