[meteorite-list] New Meteorite Falls of Art - Originals und best reprint quality!

Stephan Decker st.decker at online.de
Thu Dec 3 07:04:48 EST 2015

I have new meteorite Falls, in form paintings by my Artist Harry Wittlinger
for sale.
Originals und best reprint quality. All works of art on canvas and wooden
See list! 
Mteorite falls on canvas painted by: Harry Wittlinger Barwell ,  Gao-Guenie
,  Allende ,  MBale,  Thuate,  Orgueil,  Almahatta Sitta sky (1),  Carancas,
 Tamdakht,  Mifflin day (1), Mifflin night (2) Gebel Kamil (1), Gebel Kamil
(2),  L´Aigle, Chelyabinsk (1), Chelyabinsk (2)  Sikhote Alin,  Ensisheim
(1), Carancas (2), 19. Neuschwanstein (1), Neuschwanstein (2),
Neuschwanstein (3), Neuschwanstein (4), Neuschwanstein (5), Puerto Lápice,
Muonionalusta, Almahata Sitta desert (2), Ensisheim (2), Muonionalusta,
 Nininger Museum (1942-1953)

If you are interested, please write to my mail address:
decker at donnersteine.de Thank you.

Stephan Decker
The World of Meteorites.
IMCA 0992

Ebay store http://stores.ebay.de/Meteorite-Museum-Shop-Donnersteine
Website     http://www.meteorite-shop.de

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