[meteorite-list] The Denver Show

Anne Black impactika at aol.com
Thu Aug 27 19:47:06 EDT 2015

Time really flies! 

And it is already time for the Denver Show. 

This year it will last a full week, from Sunday, September 13 to Sunday, September 20 in the Ramada Inn (ex. Holiday Inn) and from Friday September 18 to Sunday September 20 in the Denver Mart. For more details and a list of dealers go look at:  http://mzexpos.com/index.html   I know time is running short but there are still plenty of hotel rooms and rental cars available. 

And as usual the Comets (COlorado METeorite Society) will host a get-together and auction in our usual site just a few blocks from the Ramada on Saturday Sept. 19. Food and festivities will start by 6pm, and the auction probably around 7:30pm. If you already know what you want to put in the auction please do contact me, I would like to have the paperwork done ahead of time so you can go eat and drink instead of filling up forms. 

As for me, as usual I will not have a room at the Ramada, but my house is not far, so call me or email me and you can come over, have a glass of wine or a cup of coffee while looking at a whole lot of meteorites and thin-sections. And I hope you will also go to the Mart and see all the display cases set up by Museums (including the Smithsonian!) and Associations, one in particular might interest you, Mine!  Yes, I will show there some truly Museum-quality and Museum-size meteorites, like a 3 kilos Chelyabinsk!  Of course they are not there just for show so let me know if you are interested.   

Hoping to see a whole lot of you very soon. 

Anne M. Black
IMPACTIKA at aol.com

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