[meteorite-list] Judge Steve Curry" of Colorado?

Peter Richards pedrichards at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 01:46:14 EDT 2015

Elton, or Ms. Treman (b. 1953), or whoever you are, for all many of us
know, the infamous Steve Curry, a "judge" or whatever he may claim to
be, is a fabrication and an extension of the flashy language you
people with professions in the field may use: ie. theatrics. Give it a
rest, for your phrasing and notably the questions are fully
pretentious. How is your bringing this up so different, is my point,
than any of those comments attributed to Steve Curry being sent to
you, myself, or, for that matter, anyone else, so long as the subject
of them is his alleged meteorite finds?
-Peter of Chicago, IL

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