[meteorite-list] "The Cloud" - Great Ted Talk About Being A Scientist

Paul H. inselberg at cox.net
Sun Oct 26 10:59:52 EDT 2014

This is a great Ted Talk that speaks to a part 
of conducting science that scientists do not 
normally talk about to the lay public 

Uri Alon, 2013, Why truly innovative science 
demands a leap into the unknown 
TEDGlobal 2013, Film 2013. 

There is a web page with materials that give 
advice about being a scientist. It is:

Materials for Naturing Young Scientists,  
Uri Alon Lab, at:

It has papers about choosing research topics, 
how not to a seminar, and so forth.

For an unrelated story about misadventures 
in the peer-review process, go see;

When @#%$! is your imaginary co-author, 
Sifter Science News, AAAS

The true story of Stronzo Bestiale (and other 
scientific jokes) by vito tartamella, Parolacce, 
Oct. 5, 2014


Paul H.

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