[meteorite-list] Still Arguing About Pluto

Sterling K. Webb sterling_k_webb at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 3 01:24:40 EDT 2014


The argument about Pluto The Planet 
or Pluto The Small Body continues:

"The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for 
Astrophysics said in a press release 
that "a dwarf fruit tree is still a 
small fruit tree, and a dwarf hamster 
is still a small hamster." In order to 
convince others that Pluto is a planet 
again, the center held a debate Sept. 18 
to figure out the pros and cons. They let 
the audience vote, and the audience 
agreed, therefore for them 'Pluto IS 
a planet again.'"

Some quarrels never end...

Sterling Webb

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