[meteorite-list] Florida boy

Sean T. Murray stm at bellsouth.net
Sat Jul 12 00:13:07 EDT 2014

It was not a meteorite.

One of the members in my club, Hal Povenmire, actually went down and 
interviewed that and was able to get some material.  He sent in a few small 
fragments for testing and it was determined to be terrestrial.

It was either a hoax, or even a possible something that got stuck in and 
dropped off an airplane wheel after takeoff (they are near an airport...) 
We bounced several theories back and forth about it.  Regardless, Hal was 
convinced that they were genuine in their belief, so we're giving them the 
benefit of the doubt that it was an odd event, and not a deliberate hoax.

Sean Murray

-----Original Message----- 
From: Deborah Anne K. Martin via Meteorite-list
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 11:49 PM
To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Florida boy

Hello all,

Last November (circa the 27th, I believe), a father in Florida claimed his 
young son was hit on the head by a meteorite and got 3 stitches as a result.

Does anyone know if whatever struck the boy was actually a meteorite ? I 
tend to be extremely skeptical about these types of stories (such as Gerrit 
Blank who claimed he was hit on the arm in 2009 and it turned out to be a 

Thank you

Andre Bordeleau

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