[meteorite-list] Cosmochemistry Papers - Future and Support

karmaka karmaka at email.de
Fri Jul 4 14:40:17 EDT 2014

Dear list members,
I do really appreciate this website
Well done, Dominik! Thank you very much for the time and energy you've invested into it!
Please read Dominik's post which I've quoted  below.

If you appreciate the website as much as I do, please let Dominik and everybody know and please consider
actively supporting this website by updating its contents.
I would be willing to participate in updating this website on a part time basis. Who else is willing to share the work?
Thank you!
Best regards

Dominik's statement:
The Future of Cosmochemistry Papers is Unknown[http://cosmochemistry-papers.com/2014/07/04/the-future-of-cosmochemistry-papers-is-unknown/]

This site started in October 2013 as an experiment. Although never advertised except for an announcement on the MetSoc and the German Mineralogical Society mailing lists, the site is successful, but judge for yourself. The average stats are as follows:
Number of weekly abstracts posted: ~15-25  (total until today: 700 – congratulations to all who read all of them!)
Number of journals currently covered: 21
Monthly unique users: >300
Monthly views: ~2000
Weekly unique users: ~90
Weekly views: ~400
Daily unique users (weekdays): ~25
Daily views (weekdays): ~70-100
Users from Different countries per day: 8-10
Users from >50 countries visited the webpage at least once.
Weeks don’t add up to months and days don’t add up to weeks, as unique users are reported. Users visiting the webpage more than once a week are counted as one per week. In addition, 13 followers don’t visit the site, but get the posts via email. So these need to be added to the stats above.
I started this site as I wished for such a site myself. After almost 10 months, the site still is an experiment and its continuation is unclear. In any case, I just wanted to start it. For the moment, I will continue to update it for a couple more weeks. I will keep this post on top over the next week and would like to ask whether anyone else likes this page and would be interested in continuing it. I am happy to provide any further information to anyone who is interested in taking over. Please also indicate your interest, if you could imagine participating in this part time, in case a number of people would want to share the updating process. And please also keep in mind that this should be a longer time commitment.
However this turns out, it’s been a nice an interesting experiment in all its facets for about a year, and I enjoyed updating it during this time.
best,  Dominik   "

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