[meteorite-list] From the Admin: Yahoo email server changes that may affect this mailing list

Art Jones art.jones at iscs.com
Sun Apr 13 20:17:12 EDT 2014

Good Evening List;

This email only applies if you are subscribed with a "yahoo.com" email address. If you are a member of the IMCA you probably already received a similar email from Bob Falls - thanks also to Bob for alerting me to this issue.

Yahoo mail recently made a change to their email servers that could cause issues with our mailing list;  possibly causing both unintended bounces and unintended subscription removals. Unfortunately I've been traveling over the last week and have not been able to investigate/analyze the issue in detail.  In the meantime I have placed all members with Yahoo accounts into moderation to hold the mails from being delivered (it's the delivery of yahoo-originating emails that could cause problems).

To sum it up: 
--If you have a Yahoo email address you should continue to receive list emails but won't be able to respond or post new mails (I've placed u into moderation mode).
--The easiest/quickest way for you to be able to post again would be to re-subscribe with a non-Yahoo email account. (If you'd like you can simply send me an email at blurtheline at gmail.com with a new email address and I can re-subscribe you).
--I'll look into this in more detail with the my hosting company this coming to see if there are any other options than re-subscribing.

Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused anyone. If you have any questions please email me at blurtheline at gmail.com .

Best Regards, Art

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