[meteorite-list] NWA 8265 translucent diogenite

Fabien Kuntz wwmeteorites at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 12 11:48:15 EDT 2014


are you sure it was NWA 7831 diogenite? I recently purcahsed a stone, definitively diffrent of the famous friable diogenite (by exemple for the purchase price!), looks like that  : 


(cutting loss circa 50%, but very nice slices)

My stone was 227g with a more deep bottle green opx, and not the typical shape of NWA 7831 (different external crystal look, global "round" shape like a complete stone with no crust remaining, or heavily sandblasted). 

Location of NWA 8265 have been found was not the same that the NWA 7831 one (I visited in january).

Acoording to this, I decided early february to send a type specimen to have more data (UWS, Tony Irving), and for a classification.

Regards, Fabien

Fabien Kuntz 
Météorites (ventes, expertise, conférences) 
Animation scientifique et technique 
WWMETEORITES (Siret : 511 850 612 00017) 

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