[meteorite-list] Proud Tom, an Ambassador? (Anne Black)

ian macleod ianmacca81 at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 3 02:28:07 EDT 2014

Hi Anne and list, I agree 100% with Anne on this issue, the Metlist is a public forum. Our actions and words are viewed buy the world or professionals and non-professionals. It is also a portal for the business world.
I have not read or know of everything Proud Tom has said, but I do know that if I as a professional in Australia was to allude to sexually orientated jokes and or present offensive or discriminatory material at work, then I would be subject to Australian Law. Law designed to protect individuals from types of illegal offensive behaviour. 
Quite frankly this all occurred because Bob Evans was silly and tried to self pair a 'rock' to a Lunar that looked nothing the same.....instead of doing the right thing and being professional and and at least taking it to a lab first! 
I am no expert at identifying meteorites, but even I told Bob he must have been joking to think it was a pair!
Wether he was intentionally trying to scam, I don't know, I have my assumptions
If I had found a Lunar here in Australia, I would not even be able to keep it! So when I saw Bob selling a 'Lunar' he did not even get checked by someone who knows what there doing........I was thinking to myself he is totally disrespecting the Liberty he has!
so there you have it......
Positive and Negative Liberty
Good Behaviour and bad Behaviour
What Builds and what Destroys
Ian Macleod 		 	   		  

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