[meteorite-list] ALTERNATIVE dealing with eBay Fraud! JASON, be carefull what you say about my meteorites on the Meteorite List, I am warning you...

Jodie Reynolds spacerocks at spaceballoon.org
Sat Mar 2 21:46:19 EST 2013

> but I spend at least 8 hours a day, every
> day, driving traffic online.  It is time-consuming, but one can make a
> routine out of it.

Aha!  See, you're running a real business.  8 hrs a day invested in
marketing activities, what, a couple hours a day in shipping and
support, minimum?  Then you have inventory maintenance and

A lot of these sellers don't look like they're running more than a
toy-business, investing 12hrs/day into it is going to hurt their Day
Job. ;-)

Yeah, you definitely don't need to be on eBay, that's not going to
scale the way running your own site will.

eBay has some definite value-proposition for the part-timer, but not for the likes of

--- Jodie

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