[meteorite-list] Meteoroid/Asteroid Electro-Magnetic Disruption and Charge Properties?

Count Deiro countdeiro at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 27 03:09:37 EST 2013

Hi Dirk and List,

Somebody with three letters after their name caused this explanation:

"As a high velocity meteoroid encounters denser atmosphere, there exists an increasing pressure difference between its frontal and rearward areas. This plus the very high temperatures create the instabilities that ultimately cause the sudden destruction of the body. Chrondite meteoroids are more vulnerable to this type of destruction than iron/nickel bodies because of lesser strength."

Now, I as a layman think that what causes a perceived "explosion" is as above, but more succintly, that the the compression wave created at the leading area of the mass collides with the stationary "refractory wave" that is almost instantaneously being generated at the rear of the mass. Sort of like clapping your hands together while moving your arms rapidly in one direction.



-----Original Message-----
>From: drtanuki <drtanuki at yahoo.com>
>Sent: Feb 26, 2013 10:59 PM
>To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteoroid/Asteroid Electro-Magnetic Disruption and	Charge Properties?
>Dear List,
>If there is anyone willing to discuss the how and why meteoroids/asteroids "detonate" please explain for the list and myself.  I am interested learning more about the electrical/mechanical/physical forces that these bodies undergo as they reach the earth such as in the latest Russian event. Thank you.
>Dirk Ross...Tokyo
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