[meteorite-list] Russian meteor: Stefan Geens' research updates - part 4

Robin Whittle rw at firstpr.com.au
Sat Feb 23 06:20:09 EST 2013

In addition to the article I mentioned in another message (Russian: A
preliminary reconstruction of the orbit of the Chelyabinsk Meteoroid
byJorge I. Zuluaga & Ignacio Ferrin) here are some further updates of
interest from emails regarding Stefan Geens' site and other things I
found by following links from those updates:


This little-viewed video (603 views) by Axel Alex:


appears to be taken directly under the path of the meteor close to its
point of main conflagration (my terminology).  From some coordinates
supplied by Serge in an email update, the text of which does not appear
on the above page.  This was clearly taken at the coordinates Serge
supplied: 54.872644 N, 61.200792 E, with three smokestacks behind a


I tried to add this as a comment to the video but there was some kind of
error.  This is the Korkino Cement Plant:


next to the Klubnika railway station which is about 1.5km ENE of
Pervomayskiy (note the 'i') AKA Pervomaiskii.  This about 8km WSW of

I think this video locates the meteor path with a north-to-south
accuracy better than any other evidence I recall seeing.  Also, it is
possible to locate the features of the smoke trail in the east-west
direction from this video.

>From the page http://meteorites.ru/menu/press-e/yuzhnouralsky2013-e.php

A collection of meteorites in plastic bags:


A child finding a meteorite:


Meteorites 30km south of Chelyabinsk:


The best photo I have seen of the main conflagration:


"searches were conducted at the village Zvyagino and Kuvashi. According
to the assessment by the Commission of the Government of the Chelyabinsk
region, finds of the celestial body remains failed."



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