[meteorite-list] [Help wanted] Impactite cutting in exchange for cut material

Brandon b1dunovant at aol.com
Wed Feb 13 19:39:41 EST 2013

Hello Everyone,

I have some really spectacular impact material from Glover Bluff, Kentland, and a couple oddball localities that are just too large for my saw. A 20' saw would be great, but if not I can send select pieces that are a good size to provide the best cuts. 

I would offer specimens of the cut material in exchange for the cutting and I require no finishing.

If interested or you can point me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it. Please ping me off list.  These specimens are unlike anything I've brought to light and will widen eyes as they did mine when I found them. 

Greatly appreciated and good day.

Brandon D.

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