[meteorite-list] Met Bulletin Update - NWA 8161 Martian

Galactic Stone & Ironworks meteoritemike at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 18:57:30 EST 2013

Seasons Greetings Bulletin Watchers,

There is a recent update to the Met Bulletin.  The new approval is NWA
8161, a poikilitic shergottite.

Link - http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/index.php?code=58489

Write-up :

Northwest Africa 8161 (NWA 8161)
Purchased: 2013
Classification: Martian meteorite (Shergottite)

History: Purchased by Aziz Habibi in Morocco, 2013.

Physical characteristics: Several fragments that fit together to form
a nearly complete stone. Shiny black crust, broken surface reveals
polycrystalline texture with millimeter-sized grains
Petrography: (C. Agee, UNM) Microprobe examination of a polished epoxy
mount shows ~40% olivine, ~40% pyroxene, ~10% maskelynite, ubiquitous
Cr-Ti-Fe oxides; sulfide present. Pyroxenes and olivines are heavily
shocked, grain size ranges from 200-2000 μm.

Geochemistry: (C. Agee and N. Muttik, UNM) EMPA. Olivine Fa40.1±3.7,
Fe/Mn=52±1, n=12; pigeonite Fs28.6±2.7Wo9.7±2.7, Fe/Mn=30±1, n=23;
augite Fs19.4±1.9Wo32.0±4.4, Fe/Mn=27±1, n=9; maskelynite
Or2.3±0.4Ab47.2±3.0An50.5±3.2, n=8.

Classification: Martian meteorite (shergottite, poikilitic)

Specimens: 20.5 g including microprobe mount on deposit UNM, Aziz
Habibi holds the main mass.


Best regards and Happy Huntings,


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