[meteorite-list] Trying to Get Back into my Collection

bobadebt at ec.rr.com bobadebt at ec.rr.com
Wed Dec 25 13:17:10 EST 2013

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all.

It's been along time since I posted but life seems to be slowing down for me 
so I have some time to revisit some of the more expensive hobbies that I 

For those of you that don't know me I'm the odd ball that only collects 
meteorite spheres and they have to be 50 mm in diameter.

Originally I never thought I would be able to get more then a couple but in 
a very short time I was able to obtain 19 different meteorite or meteorite 
related specimens.

If you're not familiar with my collection  you can visit my web site at 

It's been along time since I updated the site but it's still there.

Anyway, I think I may have some time to work on expanding my collection.

My premise was to have a specimen from each of the basic categories and for 
the most part I have succeeded, but I still need an H4, H6 and an IIAB Iron.

In addition to meteorites, I have cut some very interesting material such as 
Libyan Glass, a brick from the Nininger Museum and a huge Canyon Diablo 
Graphite Nodule.

All of these were unplanned additions and despite that some are not 
meteorites they add character to my collection

I used to offer cutting/selling services in exchange for material but I 
don't know if I will have that much time.

However, if you have something (not represented by my collection) that you 
need processed contact me and we could discuss the details.

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