[meteorite-list] Meteors with Sonics...more rocks on the ground?

drtanuki drtanuki at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 27 12:26:57 EDT 2012

Dear list,
Meteors with Sonics...more rocks on the ground?
Three! meteor events with reports of sonics--- meteorites on the ground.  METEORATS scramble!

Event 1
26OCT2012	Joel McCoy	Tyner, NC  USA	23:28  eastern time zone	maybe 5 seconds, if that long	from a northern direction to a southern direction	Just bright white in color, a LOUD 'whoosh' sort of sound as it passed by	brighter than the moon but not as bright as the sun	not that I saw	It was so fast and left a big trail all the way across the sky as far as you could see, Camera wouldn't pick it up.

Event 2
26OCT2012	Mike Rebeteranp	Greeley, Co. USA	2030 MST	3-5 sec	NW	whites	moon	no	Was inside my house and heard a rumble like thunder and went outside to see what it could be and noticed a vapor trail in the sky
26OCT2012	Antonia Bernal	Greeley Colorado US	mst	none	north west	we were setting watching a movie when we heard a loud rumble yhen went outside and saw the vapor trail	didnt see	no	none

Event 3
26OCT2012	D. Parsons	Point Pleasant, WV 25550	2100	It was there Flying up lasting for aprox but no more then 10min	Start. South. Flying up Through Pegasus	Red White Orange.  sound: WUH WUH WUH.  Only 3 times and stopped	I thought it was Jupiter or a planet but much redder then Mars	no . 	no.  Thought it was a planet.  Did the research and its not.  Moved very quickly upwards and was gone.  It seemed to even Blink and vanish at one point

Marc and Rob please take a look.  Thank you,  Dirk Ross...Tokyo

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