[meteorite-list] Science of Global Climate Modeling Confirmed byDiscoveries on Mars Cognitive Dissonance

JoshuaTreeMuseum joshuatreemuseum at embarqmail.com
Thu Oct 18 23:20:27 EDT 2012

Hello Al,

There are also volcanoes. The Toba Volcano (Indonesia) super eruption 74,000 
years ago nearly wiped out humans, there were only a few thousand Homo 
Sapiens left according to genetic analyses and other studies. People 
couldn't survive the volcanic winter.

Phil Whitmer
Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum

Hi Phil and all,

You mentioned other factors in your post but I'll include cycles in the
Sun also can have a big effect on weather as well as the ones you

Pretty hard to study something as old as the Earth system by observers
who are here only a very short span of that time. There have been many
heating up periods followed by colder cycles and probably will be for

AL Mitterling 

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