[meteorite-list] Possible new meteorite fall - Quebec, Canada 22 Sep 2012

Marc Fries chief_scientist at galacticanalytics.com
Thu Oct 4 17:30:18 EDT 2012

Greetings all

	Rob Matson has found a good candidate for a meteorite fall, related  
to the bright meteor over Quebec, Canada on 22 Sep 2012 (UTC). The  
radar signature is a linear feature seen in multiple radar sweeps on a  
single radar at relatively long range. It appears at the right time  
and location to correspond with eyewitness and video records of the  
event, and features several of the known signatures for a meteorite  
fall event. The fact that the observation was made at long range (~150  
km from the radar) introduces some uncertainty as to its  
identification as a meteorite fall, but there is sufficient evidence  
to suggest that that is what it is. The location appears to be mostly  
farmland and wooded but relatively flat terrain.


The Galactic Analytics LLC Team

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