[meteorite-list] Quickie

Jim Wooddell nf114ec at npgcable.com
Sun May 20 14:33:33 EDT 2012

It was science week at an elementary school.
A third grade teacher was teaching the young kids in his class about the 
solar system.  He came in early one day and moved all the desks to the side 
of the classroom on each wall.  He proceeded to set up the sun and planets 
using various sized styrofoam balls on stands that represented our sun, 
planets and moons.  It took several hours to set up and filled the center of 
the class room.

Later that morning, after the children arrived, he walked around explaining 
the orbits, and how things worked.
Afterwards the children could ask questions.

One young girl asked how the moon went around the earth.  So he grabbed the 
moon and showed her how it went around the earth.

Another young student asked how the earth went around the sun.  So with the 
help of the young girl the asked the first question, he show the earth going 
around the sun at the same time the moon was going around the earth!  It 
took some coordination!

One of the brighter students then asked the question....if all these planets 
go around the sun, then what does the sun go around??  The teacher looked 
around the room, paused and said, "Good Question"!

Are we having fun yet?


Jim Wooddell

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