[meteorite-list] SUTTER'S MILL Micros - WITH FUSION CRUST!

Ruben Garcia mrmeteorite at gmail.com
Tue May 15 18:26:29 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I've just returned from my third and final trip from the Sutter's Mill
Strewn field in Coloma, California. Since the fall three weeks ago I
have had the opportunity to help acquire specimens that will end up in
at least three institutions of higher learning. Those being ASU, UNM
and Mike Farmer told just me this morning that he'll donate ( to UofA)
 a few small specimens that I found and sold to him on the first day
of the hunt.

I have only a few small Sutter's Mill specimens to sell and then I'll be done.

These came from specimens that I purchased in the field. These were
then broken so that ASU (or other University) could peer into the
interior of the stone  - without pesky fusion crust in the way.

The result is that most of the fragments I have for sale have lots of
fusion crust as scientists don't often like to look at the exterior of
a newly fallen meteorite.

Each fragment will be shipped in a small specimen jar and will include
a card from me with the SM# so that you'll know the exact meteorite
and find local your micro came from!

Please add $5.00 for shipping.  Call or email with questions!   602 481 9780

All WITH crust on one side!

0.0090 - $20
0.0110 - $21
0.0114 - $22
0.0130 - $24
0.0143 - $25
0.0144 - $28
0.0161 - $30
0.0191 - $33
0.0226 - $35
0.0235 - $40
0.0252 - $45
0.0273 - $50
0.0279 - $58

All WITHOUT crust.

0.0104 - $20
0.0110 - $20
0.0164 - $24
0.0183 - $28
0.0555 - $100 -  Fragments and dust

Rock On!

Ruben Garcia

Website: www.MrMeteorite.com
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Videos: www.youtube.com/profile?user=meteorfright#p/u

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