[meteorite-list] Sutters Mill - mass and stone count

Randy Korotev korotev at wustl.edu
Tue May 1 11:11:04 EDT 2012

For those keeping count...

I was contacted yesterday by a woman who told this story.

Good morning, Randy. I live in Lotus, CA and have attached a picture 
of a meteorite I found on my driveway on 4/29/12. It has been 
confirmed by a geologist from UNLV, and weighed, per attached photo.

I'm not sure what to do with this. The geologist offered me $2,000 
cash on the spot.


Here's the photo:


4.26 g


I told her that $2000 for a 4-g stone was a good price.

I think that she must have talked to a fake geologist because I don't 
know any real geologists who carry $2000 in their pocket.  She hasn't 
been back in touch with me so I don't know what she's done with the stone.

Randy Korotev

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