[meteorite-list] LPSC 43 - Any big news or unexpected meteoritestories?

lebofsky at lpl.arizona.edu lebofsky at lpl.arizona.edu
Sun Mar 25 19:57:56 EDT 2012

Hi Mike and Kelly:

There were several sessions on the Dawn mission. Unfortunately, I missed
many of them on Friday. However, what was of most interest to me is the
likelihood that the dark areas on Vesta are the remnants of low velocity
impacts by carbonaceous asteroids. Hopefully over the next few months,
there will be some more news releases/publications on this.

PS Still not happy with calling Vesta a "planet."

> Mike...
>> Is there anything
>> new about Tissint, or any other meteorite that has emerged at this
>> year's conference?
> there was an oral session on "New Martian Meteorites", and the lead paper
> described Tissint
> (http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2012/pdf/2510.pdf). but
> that's it re: Tissint.
> elsewhere, I chased down a couple of papers alluding to specific comets
> capable
> of dropping meteorites, but the modeling is (IMHO) incomplete.
> so you'll just have to settle for LPSC results having to do with planets!
> ;-)
> http://www.skyandtelescope.com/news/March-Madness-on-Mercury-143756146.html
> clear skies,
> Kelly
> ****************
> J. Kelly Beatty
> Senior Contributing Editor
> 617-416-9991
> SkyandTelescope.com
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