[meteorite-list] “The Meteorite Hunter”, a Short Story by Laura Boudreau

karmaka karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de
Tue Mar 20 17:24:57 EDT 2012

“The Meteorite Hunter,” a Short Story by Laura Boudreau

Full text:


> Q:   What about “The Meteorite Hunter”

“The Meteorite Hunter” was inspired by a magazine article about, well, a meteorite hunter. This man’s quest to collect space rocks struck me as both noble and fruitless, and I wanted to capture that dichotomy in my main character’s struggle to connect with his daughter. I found it difficult to focalize the narrative through David, a divorced man and estranged dad (that’s pretty far from my own experience, and subject position), but I must have done something right because the story seems to resonate with readers, particularly men. I think it’s healthy for writers to stretch their voices. If you find you’re writing endless incarnations of yourself, you’d probably be better off investing in a private diary. As one of my teachers used to say, nobody cares about what it feels like to be a potato. (Laura Boudreau) <

source: http://saltyink.com/2012/03/16/a-review-of-suitable-precautions-and-interview-with-laura-boudreau-canadianaffair/

noble?   Oh, YES !!
fruitless? ... No way!  ;-)

Come on, tell me, who of you was the inspiration?

Best wishes


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