[meteorite-list] STOLEN METEORITES

Gary Fujihara fujmon at mac.com
Tue Mar 6 03:21:37 EST 2012


Sometime between January 27 and March 3, a person or persons entered my office at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy at 640 North A'ohoku Place, Hilo, Hawaii and removed meteorites from within it.  The items were important research specimens and teaching tools I use in education and public outreach with our young people of Hawai'i.  

The specimens stolen are:
Sikhote Alin iron IIAB  633g individual
Sikhote Alin iron IIAB  219g individual
Sikhote Alin iron IIAB  209g individual
Sikhote Alin iron IIAB  268g shrapnel
Campo del Cielo iron IAB  1.6kg individual
La Criolla L6  231g endcut
NWA 788 240g endcut
NWA 2690 Euc  243g endcut
NWA 2932 Mes 50g endcut
NWA 6928 Dio 15g endcut
NWA 7131 CM2 10g endcut

most can be seen on this webpage.

It is truly sad that through this person's actions, he robs not just me but all the keiki of Hawai'i, from the use of and knowledge gained from these invaluable tools of science. Please contact me if any of these meteorites are offered to you or if you see them under any circumstances. 

Gary Fujihara
Big Kahuna Meteorites (IMCA#1693)
105 Puhili Place, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720
(808) 640-9161

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