[meteorite-list] Colorado Mineral and Fossil Show - Plus - New TV Series

Jonathan Abel abelcompany at cox.net
Fri Apr 13 15:34:50 EDT 2012

Way to go Ruben!!

Since I was a kid, I've surrounded myself with stones...my dad and both
grandfathers made and lost money in gold mining...I have at least one
example of pretty much every mineral I've ever heard of...all flavors
and colors. But it was meeting Bob Haag, the "Indiana Jones of
Meteorites" and buying some sweet Canyon Diablo's from him that got me
started collecting meteorites about 15 years ago at the Tucson Rock and
Mineral Show...I even contemplated trying to beat Bob to the other chunk
of the Ring Meteorite (in my dreams)...

Then it was Geoffrey Notkin and Steve Arnold that got me pretty much
crazy about meteorites on their incredible "Meteorite Men" series...I
know what stamina it takes to keep up with a hungry TV series that needs
to be fed new "finds" each week from around the world...I am in awe!
They are truly mass media icons in their field; historic, whether they
acknowledge it or not (applause goes here). Their work has to have drawn
public attention and popularity to the purchase and ownership of the
miracles that are meteorites. Those guys are good for business!

But for me, it was Ruben Garcia's website, online videos and organizing
the very successful Holbrook Hunt last year that have gotten me to
happily drive hundreds of miles and spend lots of terrific wilderness
weekends looking for hard stuff from the sky. I have now found
three...and they're getting bigger...Mr. Meteorite ROCKS!

I'll be watching your show, my friend!! 

And remember - Gore Vidal once said, "Never miss an opportunity to have
sex or be on television."


P.S. I hope they got you to do some on-camera close-up slight-of-hand
magic...you're the best!! Where's my watch??

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