[meteorite-list] Celebrate ten 'earth years' of NEUSCHWANSTEIN , right now! ; -)

karmaka karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de
Fri Apr 6 18:09:30 EDT 2012

Hi Mike,

well, it is obviously not the best video in which you see an actual meteor falling, but
I like it because it is funny and unusual, a 'surveillance video' of a very special kind,
quirky and bizarre, with a touch of 'Blair Witch Project' in it.

Something one doesn't forget!  ;-)
The question which video is the best recording of an actual fireball is interesting though.
Which one would you suggest, Mike?
Peekskill (filmed from Halifax, Virginia),
Villalbeto de la Peña (filmed from Leon),
Buzzard Coulee (police video from Devon, Canada),
Mifflin (filmed from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, or from Portage, Wisconsin),
Maribo (filmed from Svensköp, Sweden)
or any other?
Best regards

Von: "karmaka" <karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de>
 An: "met-list" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
 Betreff: [meteorite-list] Celebrate ten 'earth years' of NEUSCHWANSTEIN , right now! ; -)
 Datum: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 22:24:53 +0200
Celebrate ten 'earth years' of NEUSCHWANSTEIN , right now! ;-)
 Until the 23rd September there will be a special exhibition in the 
 Rieskrater-Museum in the famous Noerdlinger Ries 
 to commemorate the fall of the Neuschwanstein meteorite
 on the 6th April 2002 , 22:20:18 CET (right now, exactly 10 years ago).
 It is the first time that the three masses of the Neuschwanstein meteorite will be shown together.
 If you have the chance to go there, you should do so.
 It is strongly recommended!
 in English: http://translate.google.de/translate?hl=de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fveranstaltungen.toubiz.de%2Fnoerdlingen%2Fdefault%2Fevent.php%3Fidd%3D1907024
 Original: http://veranstaltungen.toubiz.de/noerdlingen/default/event.php?idd=1907024
 Neuschwanstein meteorite: 
 The best video of any meteorite fall in history (an 'animal surveillance video' with a bait!). It has even recorded the sonic boom of the meteor!
 Noerdlinger Ries: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%B6rdlinger_Ries
 Best wishes
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