[meteorite-list] AD : New Meteorite Magazines and Journals, Indochinite Teardrops, New Diogenite, also - (Fossil Amber 25% off)

Michael Gilmer meteoritemike at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 10:17:04 EDT 2011

Greetings Meteorite Bibliophiles,

I have added a new store category to handle all printed material that
is meteorite-related.  This includes collector magazines,
academic/scientific journals, books, etc.  Last night, I added several
brand new offerings in this category, including some recent MAPS
journals (Meteoritics & Planetary Science), Elements
(Geological/Petrological journal), and issues of Meteorite Magazine.
I also added a copy of Meteorite Hunting and Collecting magazine that
is signed by the hosts of the TV show "Meteorite Men".

As always, use coupon code "metlist" at checkout for 20% off your
entire order.  :)

The newest journals and magazines are listed first.

Elements journal (article about extra-terrestrial water in meteorites
and a NonCom update) -

MAPS journal (May 2011, NWA 869, Vigarano, Chesapeake Bay impact
structure) - http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/maps-journal-meteoritics-planetary-science-012011-2

MAPS journal (June 2011, Jesenice, Martian meteorites, Canyon Diablo)
- http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/maps-journal-meteoritics-planetary-science-022011-1

MAPS journal (July 2011, Campo del Cielo, NWA 869, Allende, Murchison)
- http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/maps-journal-meteoritics-planetary-science-032011

Meteorite Magazine (August 2011 - ANSMET, Santa Rosa, Soltmany,
Apollo, Leedey) -

Meteorite Magazine (May 2011 - Tabor, Cabin Creek, Vienna Collection,
Sikhote) - http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/meteorite-magazine-february-2011-bonita-springs-vesta-heds-arkansas-lunars

Meteorite Magazine (February 2011 - Bonita Springs, Vesta HEDs,
Arkansas, Lunars) -

Meteorite Magazine (November 2010 - Gibeon, Sudbury, Meteorwrongs) -

Meteorite Hunting & Collecting Magazine (November 2010, signed by the
"Meteorite Men", Geoff and Steve) -

MAPS Journal (March 2011, Grimsby, Almahata Sitta, Suizhou, ANSMET) -

MAPS Journal (February 2010, Libyan Desert Glass, Kaidun, Vigarano,
Norton County) -

MAPS Journal (January 2011, Bounce Rock Mars, Martian Meteorites,
Regolith) - http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/maps-journal-meteoritics-planetary-science-012011

Planetary Report Magazine (March 1983, SETI, ANSMET Lunar meteorite) -

I also have some (3) nice Indochinite tektite specimens.  I was
holding these for a customer who contacted me over the web, but I have
not heard from this person in 3 months, so I am putting these on sale
here - http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/indochinite-tektite-curious-black-ancient-impact-glass

I have a few remaining specimens of the pretty new diogenite NWA 6927.
 These are selling out and I won't be able to get any more like these.

358mg endcut - http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/nwa-6927-fresh-vestan-diogenite-crusted-endcut-357mg

340mg slice with metal -

Large micros (2 left) -

Micros - http://www.galactic-stone.com/product/nwa-6927--fresh-vestan-diogenite--micromount

Lastly, I am offering a 25% discount on all amber and copal - use
coupon code "amber" at checkout to get the discount.

Note, you can only use one coupon code at a time during checkout, so
if you want to use the amber coupon and the metlist coupon on the same
order, then contact me via email and I will calculate the total
discount and send an invoice.  :)

Thanks for looking!


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://tinyurl.com/42h79my
News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564

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