[meteorite-list] Silly-sounding Meteorite Names

dorifry dorifry at embarqmail.com
Fri Sep 2 15:22:11 EDT 2011

"Mayday", "Mayday",  "Menow'"  "Needmore" meteorites. I'll sail my "Skiff" 
down the "Little River" at "Dawn" and pay a "Ransom" in "Loot" if I have to. 
I "Felt" it's  an "Enigma", but I "Grant" you, the "Navajo" "Old Woman" 
named "Dora" "Rosario" likes to read "Thoreau" and "Ulysses" while viewing 
Ed "Hopper", "Toulouse" Latrec and "Vincent" Van Gogh watercolors at her 
"Social Circle".  I'll ride my "Bronco" named "Pep" with a "Silver Bell" or 
"Bells" on, to the "Rodeo", stopping only to "Pooposo" often. If you want to 
fight about it, meet me under the "Oak" "Lone Tree" on the "Round Top" of 
"Duel Hill" or along "Gun Creek".  I'll bring my "Sharps" .50 caliber rifle 
to call your "Bluff". After my "Bath" in "Beaver Creek" we can kibbitz and 
kvetch about "Ybbsitz". I could go on forever like this, but I have to meet 
my old friend "Cocklebiddy" "Cockburn" out on "Rabbit Flat" by the "Crab 
Hole". We're going to sit on a  "Loop" "Blanket" and drink some "Modoc" or 
"Chateau Renard". After we break "Sleeper Camp" we're going to "Ski" down 
"Alan Hills" to the "Temple" to celebrate our "Success". Maybe we'll give 
"Sterling" Webb a call to discuss the "Delphi" "Credo". If it doesn't 
"Thunda" and lightning, we can look for the lost "Dingo Pup Donga". Or we 
could listen to some "Otis" day and the Knights while watching old episodes 
of "Chico" and the Man.

"Kybunga" surfer dudes!

Phil Whitmer
Joshua Tree Earth & Space Museum 

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