[meteorite-list] "Faster Than the Speed of Light" Neutrinos Revisited

Paul H. oxytropidoceras at cox.net
Fri Oct 14 23:16:52 EDT 2011

In "[meteorite-list] ebay restriction on international 
auctions of meteorites? and faster than the speed of 
light neutrinos!" at
Phil wrote,

"Also, this is pretty cool:


Faster than light particles found, claim scientists
Particle physicists detect neutrinos travelling faster 
than light, a feat forbidden by Einstein's theory of 
special relativity"

And in the same thread at:
http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/2011-September/079946.html ,
Pete wrote:

"If there is anything to this story, then everything 
we ever knew about Physics will now go out the window. 
You gotta love it!!!! Cutting edge!!!!!!"

A recent article about the hypothesized "faster than 
light" neutrinos is:

Faster-than-Light Neutrino Puzzle Claimed Solved by 
Special Relativity, The Physics arXiv Blog, Oct. 14, 2011

"The relativistic motion of clocks on board GPS satellites
exactly accounts for the superluminal effect, says physicist."

The paper is:

van Elburg, R. A. J., 2011, Times of Flight between a 
Source and a Detector observed from a GPS satelite.
arXiv:1110.2685v1 [physics.gen-ph], http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.2685

PDF file at http://arxiv.org/pdf/1110.2685v1


Paul H.

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