[meteorite-list] Second experiment confirms faster-than-lightparticles

Phil Whitmer prairiecactus at rtcol.com
Sun Nov 20 12:42:31 EST 2011


I downloaded the experimenters' original paper 
where they discuss at great length all the corrections 
they applied and THAT correction is not mentioned 
nor acknowledged to be needed. So, we don't know 
if they were aware of it or not. 

In this latest news piece, they do not address the 
relativistic analysis. They do address another 
criticism, that of too wide a packet length for the 
little neutral ones. 

They suggest possibly running a fiber the 454 
miles between the sites, to measure the "light-time." 
It seems to me that if they had accounted for the 
relativistic effects beforehand (and neglected to 
mention it their paper), they would merely say so 
and have done with it. 

I'm not putting any big money bets on really fast 
neutrinos, not in this frame of reference. 

Sterling K. Webb 



Could you provide the link to the original paper?


Phil Whitmer

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